Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Call Of Duty Reality Story

Your boss has been giving you hard time lately, and still hasn't given you that raise! So you're going to do something about it.

You drive to work very early. You break in without being detected because heck, you got Cold Blooded Pro. You run up the stairs without pausing, thanks to Marathon Pro. You hop over desks and chairs superfast while making a beeline for your boss's office.

When you enter, you suddenly remember. You forgot your briefcase. You open the window and jump out to the car park. Screw the stairs, you got Commando Pro. When you land on your feet, the guard is making his rounds. You swing at the air in front of you and suddenly, he's out cold.

You make your back to the office which would have been so much faster if you had Lightweight. Checking to make sure no one is watching, you open your briefcase for five seconds and drop it, whispering urgently "The bomb has planted!" You wait around the corner sound whoring and wishing you had SitRep, to make sure no one opens the briefcase for thirty seconds. With less than five seconds left, you start spinning around on the spot.

An explosion rips through your superior's office and you start whopping with joy. Congratulating yourself, you are overjoyed at having taught your boss a lesson.

Much later, authorities are still puzzled as to how the bombsite was destroyed. But hey, they're noobs.

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