Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Medal Of Honor Multiplayer

The multiplayer is developed by DICE of Bad Company 2. However, this will not be a clone of Bad Company 2. The destructibility is off, vehicles play a smaller role(no tanks, choppers or uav) and maps are smaller and more suited for infantry combat. It seems to deliver fast paced combat akin to Modern Warfare 2 but retains all the good parts of BC2.The unlocking system is identical to BC2. Primary weapons now can have three different attachments. As far as I know, you still can't go prone.(WHY?!)

While multiplayer is nice, I want some co-op gameplay like Spec Ops in MW2. Though unlikely, I hope there will be a third game mode.

Trailer and some actual gameplay below.

Love how the tank shots are synchronized with the music in the trailer

The beta is now open for those who pre-order the game.

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