Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Second Day of New Year

So today was an interesting day. It all started to get interesting around 5.30 in the evening, when I went out to meet my parents for dinner. That's when I encountered a Rucking Fetard in the wild.

Me in blue with the smile all the way to the eyes. Complete with slit eyes as is accurate.

As you can see from the photo I took, I was minding my own business, and had just started crossing the road at a crosswalk. At about the same time, this woman and her daughter does the same from the opposite side. Then RF comes bumbling toward us. I notice she's kinda fast so I stare/glare at her as I walk. Woman and daughter sort of pause because of her. RF eventually realizes she's gonna ruin her car if she hits me so she slows to a stop and lets off a honk. At this point I turn to face her but keep walking. She then jumps her car forward nearly a feet. A poor attempt at intimidating a far superior being. I stop walking now and turn to face her, take my hands out of my pockets, wave em in the air and the beginnings of 'What the fuck?!' are forming in my mouth. I glance at the woman and her daughter. Woman is frozen, terrified that she might see a car absolutely destroyed in a collision. I keep walking, RF speeds off, woman still frozen and the drama ends. In hindsight I should have let rip with the WTF. Probably with some more angry gestures if necessary. Probably should have stood in front of her car and gave her an earful about how she nearly hit me and was endangering the life of a little girl. 'Think of the children!' I should have said. But it was not to be.

I reach the next crosswalk where I stop because it told me to stop, unlike the previous one where I had right of way. This man comes up to me asking if I knew of a place to eat nearby. Terrified, I try to stall and get him to provide his own answer by asking him what kind of food he's looking for. He mentions that he heard that there's an Earls nearby. I immediately latch on to that, telling him that it's just another block down the street. I feel so the proud that I successfully helped someone.

Later, my parents and I decide to try this tiny corner Indian place called Spice Grill. I had misgivings, but it has the best tandoori chicken I've ever tasted. It was glorious. He was primarily a takeout place, but we decided to eat there, so he put a lot of effort into presentation. I later learnt that he had a son who was a professional chef. Another customer told him that, he was the real chef, not his son and I have to agree. We tipped him well and I'm sure to go back many times.

While waiting for the bus back, this drunk asks me if I want to fight. I ignore him. He then approaches me and tells me that his name is Jason and that he is 280 pounds of kickass. He also tells me to hit em right in the nuts, get's em everytime. He also told me to call him whenever I needed someone to be fucked up. He gave me a fist bump and then I escaped onto the bus.

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