Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Cop Charged

Kpl Jenain has been charged for the fatal shooting of teenager Aminulrasyid. Full article here.

This was after Aminul's friend, Azamuddin, who was in the car with him spoke to reporters and claimed his friend was shot in the car chase and did not try to ram a police car. Full article here.

Jenain Subi(left) being led away.

Personally, I think the officer is innocent. He shot the driver because he did not want to take any chances and endanger more lives. They had already rammed a police car and might put other road user's lives at risk. He didn't shoot the co-driver because he was not a threat.

The friend claimed he was assaulted by a few policemen after the shooting when their car had crashed. He later went on to say he managed to escape with only a few bruises. BULLSHIT!
He expects us to believe that he managed to escape from 4 or 5 police officers without much harm.

He also claimed that they were being chased by motorcyclists and overtook a police car while trying to escape. If they were really being pursued, why refuse to stop for police?? In fact, that would ensure that the motorcyclists would not try to harm them. Instead, the took off.

I applaud Kpl Jenain for his actions and believe he was doing his duty. It is a real pity that he has been charged. Now, the the police will no longer be entitled to use force.

Malaysia Boleh

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